via francigena path to monteriggioni and signs
via francigena path to monteriggioni and signs

The Complete Italian Via Francigena

1004 km
50 days | 49 nights
Jun Jul Aug Sep
price from
USD 7.678
CO2 footprint
870 Kg/person
  1. Italy
  2.  | 
  3. Self-Guided
  4.  | 
  5. Tourcode ITSM390

The complete itinerary of the Italian Via Francigena, from Grand St. Bernard to Rome. A 50-days trip (that can be cut on request of course!) that will make you appreciate with calm and slowness the extraordinary variety of our country. Every stage ends in an artistic or historical town, rich in historical testimonies. Arriving in San Gimignano, Sutri, Pontremoli after a walking day is not the same as getting there by car: walking and cycling in these landscapes is really the added value of this itinerary. Enjoy the hours immersed in nature treading ancient stone paved paths, the same stones used by by millions of pilgrims since the Middle Age.

SloWays knows Via Francigena well, because for years we have been active in the preservation, marking and mapping of this route.



  • Admire the capitals in the cloister of the Sant'Orso cathedral in Aosta
  • Enjoy the view of the Mount Rosa which reflects in the “chequered sea” of the flooded rice fields;
  • Visit the cathedral of Fidenza with its bas-reliefs, a synthesis of the history of the pilgrimage;
  • Glimpse the town of Lucca while walking along its walls, until you get to the Duomo to observe the labyrinth on the facade
  • Admire the skyline of San Gimignano from the road that leads to Colle val d’Elsa;
  • Walk barefoot on the paving of the Via Cassia in Montefiascone;
  • Recite your favourite poem in the centre of the amphitheatre of Sutri;
  • Gasp when you finally glimpse the dome of Saint Peter’s from the belvedere of Mount Mario.


Day 1

Arrival in Grand St. Bernard

Arrival in Grand St. Bernard

The journey starts in Col Grand St. Bernard. If you arrive early, take a walk around and enjoy this particular fascinating village full of history. Feel the pilgrims’ passage live the atmosphere with its typical ancient architecture like the ancient restored water mill.




This itinerary is carried out with funding of Routes4U, joint programme between the Council of Europe and European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Sloways and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Routes4U joint programme.

Day 2

From Grand St. Bernard to Etroubles, 13.5 km

From Grand St. Bernard to Etroubles, 13.5 km

From the San Bernardo Pass you arrive in Italy and continue on to the nice village of Etroubles, walking along the Via Francigena official route. The itinerary is on secondary trails rich in evocative landscapes with its small villages and the ancient avalanche shelter system. Some points could be a bit steep, but there are a couple of possible alternatives to do.  

Day 3

From Etroubles to Aosta - 15,5 km

From Etroubles to Aosta - 15,5 km

Today you depart Etroubles to reach Aosta,  where the pilgrims could worship Saint’Orso and Saint Grato’s relics (nowadays they are patron of the whole Val d’Aosta).  The walk promises a deep experience along the mountains, crossing meadows and pinewoods. Meet old refuges, the chapel used by the pilgrims, and follow the ancient stream “Ru Neuf”.  As the last part is on a descent path, it is possible to take a bus from Verrailes to Aosta. 

Day 4

From Aosta to Nus, 16 km

From Aosta to Nus, 16 km

The route winds among castles and vineyards. You will flank the fine Quart castle, with its chapel dedicated to the local saint, Emerico. Along the approaching road you will be able to touch the semi-spherical engravings made in the rock by prehistoric men, the Coppelle, trying to imagine what they were used for, still surrounded by mystery.

Day 5

From Nus to Saint Vincent, 17 km

From Nus to Saint Vincent, 17 km

You will walk for a long way alongside the Rus, ancient artificial canals which still water the crops on the mountainsides of the Valle d'Aosta. Between one vineyard and another, we recommend a stop at the Crotta de Vegneron at Chambave, a temple consecrated to the wines of the Valle d’Aosta.  Once you arrive in Saint Vincent, you will be able to stop for a reinvigorating rest at the spa.

Day 6

From Saint Vincent to Verres, 16.5 km

From Saint Vincent to Verres, 16.5 km

From Saint Vincent you will continue along the left side of the Valley, meeting along your way the very fine Saint Germain castle: you can admire its Mezzogiorno towerfrom under the impressive medieval walls, once a formidable defence tower belonging to the De Mongioveto family which dominated the valley. From here you will travel along a short section of the ancient strada delle Gallie, before being enchanted by the splendid itineraries offered by the route as far as Verrès, which climbs up the side of the mountain. If you like castles, we recommend a visit of Issogne.

Day 7

From Verres to Pont Saint Martin, 13 km

From Verres to Pont Saint Martin, 13 km

Today a brief journey in a time machine awaits you: at Arnad you will be able to emerge yourselves in the part of medieval pilgrims walking through the naves of the parish church of San Martino, before crossing the ancient Enchallod bridge. Or you can have fun looking for the tracks of Roman carriages in the stones of the ancient road of the Gauls, which will surprise you with a still perfectly preserved section leading to the gates of Donnas. If you like more recent history, visit Bard fort with its Museum of the Alps.

Day 8

From Point Saint Martin to Ivrea, 21 km

From Point Saint Martin to Ivrea, 21 km

The alpine scenery gives way to the gentle Piedmont hills, among characteristic villages and sections surrounded by nature. Today’s destination point is Ivrea: the old town centre will delight you with its fine castle and tall tower of Santo Stefano, but do not miss a walk through an open-air museum of modern architecture. For the gourmands, we recommend a break to taste the Novecento cake, a chocolate cake whose recipe is jealously guarded by the town’s pastry-makers.

Day 9

From Ivrea to Viverone, 20 km

From Ivrea to Viverone, 20 km

Today you will relax with a quiet leg, which lets you discover some of the small hidden jewels of the Via Francigena: you will walk under the arch of the tower of  Piverone to enter its old village, developed around a road which crosses the centre, and then to see the remains of a fresco inside the “Geisùn", the ruins of a small roofless church where two country roads cross. Finally, you will arrive in Viverone to end the day admiring the sunset along the banks of the lake.

Day 10

From Viverone to Santhià, 17 km

From Viverone to Santhià, 17 km

Today again you will walk along quiet country roads. The treat of the day is Roppolo castle, which will offer you a splendid view over lake Viverone and the morainic amphitheatre of Ivrea. If you love good wine do not miss a visit to the cellars that are home to a collection of regional wines.  The hills become gradually lower as you continue towards Santhià. Now that you have reached your destination point, you can enjoy the tasty cuisine of the Vercelli area, with its delicious rice and meat dishes, ending on a high note with a glass of white herb liqueur.

Day 11

From Santhià to Vercelli, 27 km

From Santhià to Vercelli, 27 km

The first leg of the journey will take you across the Vercelli plain, alongside the  characteristic rice fields. If you are lucky enough to see them flooded, you will be enchanted by the shades of colour reflected in the water, in a landscape unique in its kind: different species of birds will be your walking companions, and will follow you with their flight, skimming over the surface of the water. And if you are curious to discover how rice is used in the local cuisine, in Vercelli you will have plenty of dishes to choose from, among first courses, savoury pies and desserts.

Day 12

From Vercelli to Robbio by train - Robbio to Mortara, 14 km

From Vercelli to Robbio by train - Robbio to Mortara, 14 km

A short train journey along the Sesia river will take you from Vercelli to Robbio. From there, the countryside landscape of Lomellina will lead you towards Mortara, over grassy sheep-tracks and wide earth tracks. You will be able to admire the old façade of the  San Valeriano Monastery and the little Romanesque church of  San Pietro, which once offered hospitality and comfort to the travellers walking along the Francigena: in fact it was near here that the Hospitale was built dedicated to offering hospitality to pilgrims. If you appreciate local specialities, in Mortara don’t miss the I.G.P. goose salami, a veritable product to be proud of.

Day 13

From Mortara to Garlasco, 23 km

From Mortara to Garlasco, 23 km

The penultimate leg covers country roads, among woods, fields growing crops and little towns. We recommend a visit to the  Abbey of Saint Albino, that you will reach just outside Mortara: here ancient pilgrims stopped, and you also will be able to stand in prayer or meditation before its mosaic-decorated altar and discover the history of  Saint Albino, between reality and legend.

Day 14

From Garlasco to Pavia, 25 km

From Garlasco to Pavia, 25 km

The route bringing you to Pavia is particularly attractive: after a long section of countryside typical of Pavia, scattered with groups of woods and farm houses, you will arrive at the  Parco del Ticino. You will be able to stop for a rest in the shade of the thick woods, or sunbathe on the beaches or meadows near the river, looking out for great tits and squirrels that run through the trees. Don’t stay too long, however, because a veritable jewel of the Via Francigena: Pavia, awaits you, with its splendid old town centre full of artistic treasures of all kinds. You will end your journey with an aperitif in piazza Vittoria, and if you enjoy desserts, you will be interested to know that Pavia is the birthplace of the torta paradiso, one of the most popular cakes baked by Italian grandmothers.

Day 15

From Pavia to Belgioioso, back to Pavia, 16 km

From Pavia to Belgioioso, back to Pavia, 16 km

The first leg will take you across the flood plain of the Basso Pavese, with its typical flood terraces as far as Santa Cristina, a stopping place of Sigerico which takes its name from an ancient abbey dedicated to the Saint, unfortunately destroyed. Along your way you will come to the little Chiesa di San Giacomo, which will surprise you with the simple beauty of the façade. If you are lucky enough to be able to visit the interior, do not miss the cycle of frescoes dedicated to the Saint. 

Day 16

Transfer Pavia to Orio Litta - Walk from Orio Litta to Piacenza,18 km

Transfer Pavia to Orio Litta - Walk from Orio Litta to Piacenza,18 km

A morning trasfer will take you to Orio Litta where your walk starts. Today you will tackle the Transitum Padi, the ford of Sigerico. You will be ferried across by an expert boatman to the other bank of the Po to enter Emilia Romagna, a land of great hospitality famous for its food and wine delicacies. Along provincial roads and cycle paths you will arrive in Piacenza. Here you will be able to taste the famous charcuterie from Piacenza, washed down with a glass of  Gutturnio wine, but do not forget that Piacenza also has a splendid basilica: after admiring its octagonal tower, pass through the Porta del Paradiso to discover the Romanesque interiors of the church and the Seventeenth century frescoes.

Day 17

From Piacenza to Fiorenzuola, 33 km

From Piacenza to Fiorenzuola, 33 km

After a first section along the Via Emilia, today’s leg will take you along a series of country roads towards Fiorenzuola, a town rich in history, with churches and buildings that are worth a visit: you will be able to admire the façade of the church of San Fiorenzo and the oratory of Caravaggio.

If you think that this stage may be too long for you too walk, don’t worry: you can make it shorter by taking brief stretches by public transport. 

Day 18

From Fiorenzuola to Fidenza 22 km

From Fiorenzuola to Fidenza 22 km

Today’s quiet, flat leg will take you to Fidenza, where the walk will end in the beautiful piazza del Duomo: along the way do not miss a visit of the Cistercian abbey of Chiaravalle della Colomba. If you aren’t yet ready to reach your destination point, you can stand in thought for a few minutes in the silence of the cloisters, admiring the carved wooden interiors of the church before continuing your walk. If you like folk traditions, get someone to tell you the story dedicated to the ciribiciaccola, the name of the tower of the Abbey in dialect.

Day 19

From Fidenza to Medesano, transfer to Sant'Andrea Bagni, 22 km

From Fidenza to Medesano, transfer to Sant'Andrea Bagni, 22 km

You will begin your walk with a leg across the hills, which will already show you monuments of great historical importance such as the Pieve di Cabriolo, dedicated to the Archbishop of Canterbury Becket, where you will be able to discover its mysterious history linked to the knights of the Templar. You will walk alongside the ruins of Costamezzana castle, dominated by its circular tower which still climbs among the trees, and you will enjoy climbing up and down the ridges of the hills. Once you reach reach Medesano, a transfer will take you to Sant'Andrea Bagni.

Day 20

Transfer from Sant'Andrea Bagni to Medesano, walk to Bardone, 22 km

Transfer from Sant'Andrea Bagni to Medesano, walk to Bardone, 22 km

A morning transfer will take you back to Medesano to resume your walk. Continuing among the Parma hills, you will cross the river  Taro to arrive at Fornovo, where we recommend a visit of the cathedral, to admire the alarming bas-reliefs of its facade. You will then continue to Bardone, where you will sleep in a characteristic B&B along the way.

Day 21

From Bardone to Berceto, 21 km

From Bardone to Berceto, 21 km

Today a demanding leg awaits you, but one that is rich in beauty: along your way you will come to the villages of  Bardone and Terenzo, where you will be able to admire ancient churches. From here you will tackle a climb that will bring you to  Casola Castle, before continuing up and down among conifer woods and finally reaching  Cassio, where you will follow the stone path already travelled along by generations of pilgrims. A 10 km walk along asphalted, secondary road (or a transfer) will then bring you to Berceto, a "little stone jewel", where you can restore yourselves with local mushrooms and pattona, a typical cake made from chestnut flour.

Day 22

From Berceto to Previdè, 18 km

From Berceto to Previdè, 18 km

From Cassio a climb awaits you towards the Cisa Pass, first along mule tracks and country roads and then over earth tracks and asphalted roads.  You will continue your walk along the last section of the route which will lead you among the attractive views over the  Lunigiana to Mount Valdoria, a panoramic point of great beauty, before climbing up again towards the Pass and then down to Previdè, a beautiful hamlet surrounded by nature. After reaching this peaceful hamlet immersed in the nature of Lunigiana, a transfer will take you to Pontremoli.

Day 23

From Previdè to Pontremoli, 10 km

From Previdè to Pontremoli, 10 km

In the morning, a transfer will take you to the little hamlet of Previdè to resume your walk. There will be no rest during the last leg, but it will hold new surprises in store that will make all your efforts worthwhile. From Previdè you will travel along long sections of path surrounded by nature, through characteristic villages such as  Groppadalosio, with its marvellous ancient medieval bridge, and Casalina, which will charm you with its little stone houses and the characteristic little dome of its bell tower. Finally the exciting descent to Pontremoli, the town of bridges and stele statues , where you can enjoy a relaxing evening walk among the alleyways of the illuminated old town centre.

Day 24

From Pontremoli to Filetto, 17 km

From Pontremoli to Filetto, 17 km

During the first day of your journey you will be surrounded by a splendid area which alternates very green countryside with little medieval villages. Here you can admire the tower-houses of Ponticello, the ancient hospice of San Jacopo at Filattiera, and above all the ancient Pieve di Sorano, which has been home for centuries to the stele statues of Celtic warriors.  Villafranca is a very beautiful medieval village: you can climb the hill up to the walled village of Malgrate, with its castle, or through the trees look at the ruins of the old castle of Malnido, residence of the Malaspina family. And just before you arrive, here is another surprise: the via Francigena meets the castle of Filetto.

Day 25

From Filetto to Aulla, 15 km

From Filetto to Aulla, 15 km

From Villafranca you will continue towards Aulla, crossing a thick forest and walking along sections of an ancient Roman road, towards Terrarossa castle. The last section of the route is over the tracks of the old railway, intelligently transformed into a cycle path. If you are keen on ancient history, you will appreciate the muse of the Abbey of San Caprasio, which contains archaeological finds from the medieval period. Do not miss a walk along the ancient walls of the Fortezza della Brunella, pretending to be medieval sentries, before taking a walk through the old town centre. And if you are hungry, there is nothing better than the tasty little local focaccias, to be enjoyed still hot accompanied by charcuterie and cheeses.

Day 26

From Aulla to Sarzana, 17 km

From Aulla to Sarzana, 17 km

From Aulla you will travel along the first section of the journey over demanding but gratifying paths: from here you will glimpse the sea for the first time. Along the road you will pass through very green countryside and medieval villages. You can visit the ruins of the castle of la Brina, reconstructing with your imagination its impressive walls, while at Sarzana you will be amazed by the Baroque interior of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, and you will admire the Gothic facade of the Pieve di Sant'Andrea, the oldest building in the town. You will get lost in the old town centre among the alleyways that open into large squares, where you can stop for a typical dinner: discover the taste of the   "torta scema", and get one of the locals to explain the meaning of its name!

Day 27

From Sarzana to Massa, 28 /18,5 km (with stretches by bus)

From Sarzana to Massa, 28 /18,5 km (with stretches by bus)

Today your journey will be along flat paths, following in the footsteps of the ancient pilgrims who from the Roman port of Luni used to embark towards Santiago de Compostela. Do not miss a visit of the archaeological area, with the ancient amphitheatre and the museum which is home to a splendid mosaic dedicated to the God Neptune. Along paths that give you views of the sea and the Apuan Alps you will finally arrive at Massa

Day 28

From Massa to Camaiore, 26 / 19,9 km (with stretches by bus)

From Massa to Camaiore, 26 / 19,9 km (with stretches by bus)

Today Pietrasanta awaits you, with its splendid old town centre. Before browsing among its art galleries and shops we recommend a visit of the town’s Duomo, to walk among its marble columns and to admire its frescoed vaults. Finally you will arrive in Camaiore, with its old town centre and ancient Badia di San Pietro, and a rice-based chocolate cake that will reward you for the efforts of the day.

Day 29

From Camaiore to Lucca, 25 km / 23 (with stretches by bus)

From Camaiore to Lucca, 25 km / 23 (with stretches by bus)

From Camaiore you will continue up and down among the hills of Lucca, before descending to the valley of the Contesola torrent and crossing the river Serchio. So, you will arrive in Lucca, the end of your journey; enter through the walls and surround yourselves in its old town centre, where many attractions await you. You will be able to admire the decorated façade of San Frediano, browse in the little shops of the circular piazza to buy spelt and local biscuits to take home with you, conquer the Guinigi towerand admire the town from up high in its hanging garden.

Day 30

From Lucca to Altopascio by train - from Altopascio to San Miniato, 29 km

From Lucca to Altopascio by train - from Altopascio to San Miniato, 29 km

Leaving Altopascio you will walk along a splendid section of the original paved Via Francigena, surrounded by woods. Allow yourself to be charmed by the wild land of the Cerbaie, and enjoy a panoramic view of the old village of Fucecchio from the top of the old park with its ancient medieval tower. After crossing over the river Arno, you will walk along its banks towards San Miniato. The Seminary which gives the name to the main square will amaze you with its particular facade: enjoy it lit up, perhaps after eating a risotto dusted with the typical white truffle, the pride of the local area.

If you think that this stage may be too long for you too walk, don't worry: you can make it shorter by taking brief stretches by public transport. 

Day 31

From San Miniato to Gambassi Terme, 24 km

From San Miniato to Gambassi Terme, 24 km

A demanding leg, but one with unique beautiful scenery, awaits you. From San Miniato you will walk along an asphalted section of road, amply compensated by the following part which passes through the splendid crests of the hills of the Val d'Elsa: along the road you can cross the threshold of the Pieve di Chianni, following in the footsteps of entire generations of pilgrims. For a fitting end to the day you can enjoy a healthy bath in the hot springs of Gambassi, surrounded by a park of ancient trees.

Day 32

From Gambassi Terme to San Gimignano, 13,5 km

From Gambassi Terme to San Gimignano, 13,5 km

This leg of the journey, short but rich in splendid natural scenery, will lead you to San Gimignano, one of the most beautiful towns along the Via Francigena: you will get a foretaste of your arrival when you see the famous towers that make its skyline unmistakeable. Do not miss the view of the medieval town and its surrounding valleys from the top of the Torre Grossa, or if you don’t run out of energy, venture up the steps of the Rocca di Montestaffoli, for an even more special view. During the evening, take a quiet stroll to admire the illuminated town before enjoying a good glass of Vernaccia in one of the taverns of the old town centre.

Day 33

From San Gimignano to Colle Val d'Elsa, 12 km

From San Gimignano to Colle Val d'Elsa, 12 km

From San Gimignano you will continue, up and down, through the Tuscan hills. In one point of the journey not yet well marked you will come to Sce Martin in Fosse, one of the halting places along the ancient route of Sigerico. Today's destination is Colle Val d'Elsa, a Tuscan village which will take you back in time, with its charming old town centre and narrow alleyways winding through the stone walls.

Day 34

From Colle Val d'Elsa to Monteriggioni, 15,5 km

From Colle Val d'Elsa to Monteriggioni, 15,5 km

Prepare yourselves for one of the most beautiful sections of the Via Francigena: a meditative route, along which you can admire the Pieve di Strove (unfortunately just from the outside) and stand in the quietness of the splendid Abbadia at Isola, another stage in the journey of the Archbishop Sigerico, where time stopped 1000 years ago, when he passed through. Your breath will be taken away when you see the castle of Monteriggioni, with its crown of towers, built on a hill in order to defend the ancient Republic of Siena. Within it, a small ancient world, with the beautiful square and small gardens where you will be able to gather your breath, before climbing up onto the walls to admire the surrounding view.

Day 35

From Monteriggioni to Siena, 20 km

From Monteriggioni to Siena, 20 km

From Monteriggioni you will start your walk again along the white roads of the Sienese countryside, passing thought the old, no longer inhabited medieval village of Cerbaia: you will experience the same feelings as the ancient pilgrims when you pass through porta Camollia, the traditional Francigena entrance to the town of Siena. An unforgettable way to celebrate? A plate of pici all'aglione in the illuminated Piazza del Campo. And don’t forget the panforte!

Day 36

From Siena to Lucignano, 21 km

From Siena to Lucignano, 21 km

Let’s hope that the sun will be shining during the first day of your journey, because the Crests of the Val d'Arbia offer unforgettable views: after saying goodbye to Siena, resting on the hills on the horizon, you will travel along the typical dirt roads of Siena as far as the fortified village of Lucignano, with its fine church. At the gates of Monteroni d'Arbia you will be able to admire the impressive Grancia di Cuna, a fortified farm which once held the reserves of wheat destined to the Republic of Siena.

Day 37

From Lucignano to Buonconvento, 13,8 km

From Lucignano to Buonconvento, 13,8 km

From Lucignano you will continue your journey through the Valle dell'Ombrone to Buonconvento. You will cross the gate of the walls and enter the fine old town centre of the village, discovering why its name means "happy fortunate place": you will walk through the picturesque streets, where life is lived quietly following the slow rhythms of a countryside village, and if you love art, you will have the chance to admire the works of some of the most famous Sienese painters in the Museum of Sacred Art of the Val d'Arbia.

Day 38

From Buonconvento to San Quirico d'Orcia, 21,6 km

From Buonconvento to San Quirico d'Orcia, 21,6 km

Today your journey will take you towards San Quirico, over dirt roads and some asphalted ones: these, however, will be compensated by the beautiful views of the  Val D'Orcia, among hills tinted with charming shades and scattered with vineyards and cypress trees. In San Quirico you will stand enchanted before the gate of the Collegiata, trying to recognise the various architectural styles that blend into its decorations, before enjoying a rest among the green hedges of the Horti Leonini, a fifteenth-century garden.

Day 39

From San Quirico to Castiglione 9 km

From San Quirico to Castiglione 9 km

You will continue your journey across the fabulous views of the Val D'Orcia: just beyond San Quirico you will enter a timeless world visiting Vignoni Alto, and you will be able to enjoy a reinvigorating rest in the thermal waters of Bagno Vignoni, with its unmistakable pool in the middle of the main square. The other pearl of the day is Castiglione, in the heart of the Val d'Orcia, which you will pass close by as you travel across one of the most beautiful panoramic sections of the whole Via Francigena.

Day 40

From Castiglione to Radicofani, 21 km

From Castiglione to Radicofani, 21 km

Today you will test your strength with a short but demanding leg of your  journey which will take you as far as  Radicofani: but it will be worth it, because admiring the view from the Radicofani fortress, tired but satisfied, will repay all your efforts. You will also be able to visit the Pieve di San Pietro, a little jewel dating back to the thirteenth century, and take an evening walk in its old town centre, admiring the magic of the illuminated Fortress.

Day 41

From Radicofani to Acquapendente, 25 km

From Radicofani to Acquapendente, 25 km

From Radicofani you will walk towards one of the most exciting sections of the Via Francigena, leaving the fortress behind you and travelling along the old Via Cassia, surrounded by scenery of infinite hills dominated by Monte Amiata. Through the valley bottom of the Val di Paglia and following the route of the Cassia nuova you will climb for the last time before reaching Acquapendente, the northernmost municipality of Lazio. You will pass through the Porta della Ripa before entering its old town centre. You will be able to walk in silence in the Romanesque crypt beneath the Basilica del Santo Sepolcro, among decorated capitals and arches. According to tradition, some stones bathed in the blood of Christ are supposed to be kept here.

If you feel like this stage may be too long for you to walk, don't worry: you can make it shorter with brief stretches by public transportation. 

Day 42

From Acquapendente to Bolsena, 23 km

From Acquapendente to Bolsena, 23 km

Your journey will continue gently as far as the first views of Lake Bolsena: from here you will descend into a volcanic crater and you will continue along dirt tracks, alternating thick woods with meadows scattered with olive trees, before reaching Bolsena. If you are curious to see proof of the miracle of the Corpus Domini, for which Bolsena is famous, in the Cappella del Miracolo some marble slabs stained by the blood pouring from a Host in the thirteen century are kept. If, instead, you are more interested in the typical cuisine. you can taste the products offered by the lake, such as the  Sbroscia, a local soup made from lake fish and tomatoes.

Day 43

From Bolsena to Montefiascone, 17 km

From Bolsena to Montefiascone, 17 km

You will continue through woods and olive groves, on a route that will offer constant views of the lake: you will cross an area famous for the production of Extra virgin olive oil, which we recommend you taste on the a piece of fragrant local bread, before arriving in Montefiascone: not to be missed, a climp up to the Rocca, where you will be enchanted before a boundless views. After descending from the Rocca, you can go into a typical wine bar and taste a glass of the famous Est!Est!!Est!!!, which here tastes even better because it is produced locally.

Day 44

From Montefiascone to Viterbo, 18 km

From Montefiascone to Viterbo, 18 km

We return to travelling along the ancient paved road of the Via Cassia, in a leg of our journey that takes us over hills dotted with charming views over Montefiascone and Viterbo; you will be able to enjoy a pleasant stop at the spa of Bagnaccio, recharging your batteries in its thermal waters before proceeding towards Viterbo, the end of your journey. To honour of our trip, do not miss visiting the pictoresque pilgrim’s quarter, before admiring the splendid Palazzo dei Papi and enjoying the silence of the Longobard cloisters of Santa Maria Nuova. And to end on a sweet note, celebrate the end of the journey with the delicious local frittellacce!

Day 45

From Viterbo to Vetralla, 18 km

From Viterbo to Vetralla, 18 km

The first leg of the journey will take you towards Vetralla, a village in the heart of the ancient Etruscan area. On your arrival, treat yourself to a snack of rustic bread and the local extra-virgin olive oil, before enjoying a walk through the alleyways of the old town centre.

Day 46

From Vetralla to Sutri, 24 km

From Vetralla to Sutri, 24 km

Continuing through the green countryside of Lazio you come to Sutri, a small town rich in attractions. The Roman amphitheatre, completely dug out from the tufo, is something not to be missed.  Decide whether to sit on the terraces or to get up onto the stage, but as you leave remember to sign the visitors’ register: it is very important for the custodian, and if he is there he will invite you to do so. After this, proceed to the church of Santa Maria del Parto, the tufo walls of which are decorated in well preserved frescoes. Look for the group of pilgrims among the images, depicted in prayer with their sticks in their hand.

Day 47

From Sutri to Campagnano, 27 km

From Sutri to Campagnano, 27 km

From Sutri we go on towards Campagnano: during the journey you will flank the Mount Gelato Waterfalls, where you can stop for a reinvigorating bathe. A panoramic road of the Veio Nature Park will bring you to the gates of Campagnano. Here you can rest in the Venturi Park, the home of a three-hundred year old Yew tree the locals call the “Tree of Death”: but don’t worry, you can sit in its shade without any danger!

If you feel like this stage may be too long, don't worry: you can make it shorter with brief stretches by public transport. 

Day 48

From Campagnano to Isola Farnese, 22 km

From Campagnano to Isola Farnese, 22 km

From Campagnano you will continue through the Veio nature park with its woody hills, before entering the enchanting Valle del Sorbo. Along the way you will be able to admire the sanctuary of the Madonna del Sorbo, but also the old town centre of Formello, with its fine medieval buildings. Today your journey will end in the little village of Isola Farnese, clinging to a cliff surrounded by woods and dominated by the Castello Farnese: visits can be booked by internet and they offer a panoramic view of the surrounding valleys

Day 49

From Isola Farnese to Rome, 19 km

From Isola Farnese to Rome, 19 km

So, you have reached the last leg of your journey which separates you from the Eternal City. Since this is a metropolis, there is, unfortunately, heavy traffic along the last section of the route: the belvedere di Monte Mario, from which you will finally be able to glimpse the dome of Saint Peter’s, however, makes the whole journey worthwhile and will soon make you forget the confusion of the big city. From here you will descend towards  Piazza San Pietro, the arrival point of your journey and of the whole Northern Via Francigena. Do not forget to take a triumphant photograph in front of the Basilica, before celebrating the end of the journey, fortifying yourselves with spring lamb, pecorino romano cheese, and perhaps a delicious maritozzo with have deserved it!

Day 50



Last day included. Service ends after breakfast.


Is this for me?

The complete Northern Via Francigena in one go, for those who'd like to experience the Camino experience to the fullest. This trip is for you only if you have already walked other Caminos or are fit enough to comfortably walk for a month with long days of more than 10 kilometers. If you are not sure if you're ready, shoot us an email and we'll help you determine if you are ready for this great adventure. 


What is included

  • 49 Nights in double room in **/*** hotels , B&B and agriturismi with breakfast
  • 7 dinners 
  • luggage transportation from hotel to hotel (max 1 item per person)
  • transfers as described in the program
  • official guide of the route, App
  • Pilgrim Passport
  • Medical and luggage travel insurance
  • 24h phone assistance

What is not included 

  • Transfers to the starting location and from the arriving location of the tour
  • lunches and dinners, if not otherwise stated
  • visits and entrance fees - tips
  • personal expense
  • possible sojourn taxes
  • everything that is not mentioned in the "What is included" section.

Optional Services

These services can be added to the ones included in the base price of the tour:

  • Single room supplement
  • cancellation insurance
  • Transfers to reach the starting location or to leave the arriving location of the tour, which will be quoted on request.


We carefully select our accommodations because we know how important it is to rest well after a day of walking. We choose friendly and family run guest Houses, and bed and breakfasts that fully represent the spirit of the place and offer warm hospitality and comfort. Whenever possible, we visit them personally, so we can get to know the people who will be welcoming you.

Hotel Cecchin - Aosta

Hotel Cecchin*** is located in the historic center of Aosta, a few steps from the Arch of Augusto and monuments that characterize the city. It born in 1982 on the Roman Bridge, along the Via Francigena, from Roman building. 

Hotel San Michele - Mortara

Hotel San Michele***  is 50 mt from train station and it has 50 rooms and one suite, all of these with private services. Rooms are well-finished and have TV, free Wifi and some of these have a living room.

Hotel I Diamanti - Garlasco

Hotel Diamanti is 10 minutes by foot from center fo Garlasco, it offers a flowery garden, a patio and large free parking and rooms with air conditioned and free Wifi. Staff is welcoming and courteous. Rooms are basic and old-fashioned, but these are spacious and quiet.

Hotel Excelsior - Pavia

The Hotel Excelsior enjoys a central location, in the Railway Station Square, just a short walk from the historical centre of Pavia. Rooms are clean and spacious, but old-fashioned. Breakfast is normal and varied.

Euro Hotel - Piacenza

Euro Hotel is located in a strategic position, on one of the main road of Piacenza, close to the city center. Rooms are old-fashioned, but clean and spacious with air conditioning, mini bar, TV and satellite TV with international channels, direct dial telephone, free Wifi. Breakfast is rich and various.

Agriturismo Battibue - Fiorenzuola d'Arda

The Agritourism is surrounded by green spaces, offers comfortable rooms recently restructured. These have free Wifi, TV and air conditioning/heating. The restaurant offers traditional and high quality courses. Breakfast is normal.

Hotel Astoria - Fidenza

The Astoria Hotel is housed in the center of Fidenza, close to the train station. Staff is kind and helpful. Location is clean and comfortable . Rooms are quiet and equipped of air conditioning, TV, free WiFi and direct phone. Breakfast is rich and varied.

Hotel Ayri - Medesano

Hotel Ayri*** is located into a naturalistic context surrounded by Parma's countryside. This hotel has rooms with air conditioning, memory-foam mattress, flat-screen TV with satellite and free Wifi. The hotel is clean and well-finished and the staff is helpful and courteous. Breakfast is good and offers sweet and savory dishes.

B&B Sulla Strada - Sivizzano

B&B Sulla Strada is located on the roas Val Sporzana 135 and it has 6 beds with breakfast and self-catering meals. The B&B offers a repair shop for bicycle and an information point with maps and news about territory.

B&B La Casa dei Nonni - Berceto

Located in Berceto’s historic centre, just a few steps from the Romanesque Cathedral, La Casa dei Nonni offers different accommodation types with its five rooms: single, twin and double rooms (extra beds available for children). The location is well-finished and beautifully decorated. Breakfast with house specials is served on the ground floor and for the dinner it's suggested to try the restaurant.

B&B Eremo Gioioso - Previdé

This B&B is located in a Pontremoli village surrounded by the nature and its tranquility and offers a terrace, views of the mountain, a bar and free Wifi. Staff is helpful and friendly. Rooms are very comfortable and furnished in a rustic way. Breakfast offers natural local products and it's very good.

Agriturismo Maison Rosset - Nus

The Rosset  family, a noble dynasty whose forefather was Jean-Pantaléon , has been living in Nus (Aosta Valley) since the beginning of the eighteenth century, in the buildings he had built: his owner house and the farmhouse.  The new building consists of four double en-suite rooms, a single room, a three-bed room with living room and are well-equipped with tv set, private service.

Hotel Napoleon - Pontremoli

Hotel Napoleon*** is centrally located in Pontremoli. Rooms are cozy, clean and furnished in a vintage style. These offer free Wifi, TV, direct dial telephone, air conditioning and some rooms have a balcony.

Gredo Apartments - Filetto

These apartments and double rooms are located in the historical centre of  Filetto situated in Piazza del Pozzo.

Recently rebuilt and refurbished in rustic style, completely independent, made up of day area with kitchen, bathroom, two bedrooms and a small storage room.

Hotel Demy - Aulla

Hotel Demy*** is located in a strategic position to visit Cinque Terre. Rooms are basic and clean, but old-fashioned. In the structure there is Wifi, but it doesn't work very well. Breakfast is basic. Staff is courteous.

B&B In Piazzetta - Sarzana

B&B In Piazzetta is located in the centre of Sarzana on the second floor of an historic apartment block situated in one of the most important square of the city. Rooms are comfortable and have a modern look. These have free Wifi, TV and cooling fan. Breakfast is good and rich with sweet dishes.

Hotel Annunziata - Massa

Hotel Annunziata is located in Massa, just 4 km from the coast and its popular beaches. The structure is dated and it has rooms old-fashioned, but clean. Breakfast is normal and the staff is helpful.

Locanda Le Monache - Camaiore

Locanda Le Monache, which takes its name from a monastery of Carmelite cloistered nuns which stood adjoining building, is located in the heart of the historical center of Camaiore. Each room has different characteristics and furnishings, with the early '900 and Liberty pieces rustic furniture. These are clean and well-finished with TV, shower and free Wifi. The restaurant offers good and quality dishes.

Hotel Rex - Lucca

Hotel Rex*** is 80 m from the main train station and 100 m from the ancient walls of Lucca. Rooms are quiet and well-finished with free Wifi, air conditioned, telephone and fridge. Staff is helpful and courteous. Buffet breakfast is rich and varied.

Hotel San Miniato - San Miniato

What in the thirteenth century was a severe monastery cloister is now Hotel San Miniato, refined historic home sits on a hill overlooking the Tuscan countryside between Florence and Pisa. The rooms are comfortable, elegant and clean. Breakfast is good and rich.

Ostello Sigerico - Gambassi

This building is situated on one of the branches of the Via Francigena, which Sigerico, Archbishop of Canterbury, walked between 990 and 994. This hostel housed in finely restored historical buildings and it has basic, clean and comfortable rooms.

Hotel La Cisterna - San Gimignano

The hotel is both overlooking the ancient Piazza della Cisterna used to welcome pilgrims from all over the world and charming hills of San Gimignano. This stately homes is located in an excellent position, into the heart of San Gimignano.

Hotel de La Ville - Saint Vincent

Comfortable hotel under new management. Located a few steps from the Casino de la Vallée in a strategic position to reach the resort and the most popular tourist attractions in Valle d'Aosta. Rooms are furnished in a simple way and have TV, WiFi coverage, bathroom with shower and hairdryer. Some of these have a balcony with mountain views.

Arnolfo B&B - Colle Val d'Elsa

The Arnolfo B&B, next to the ponte di Campana, is a confortable accomodation divided into three apartments for a total of 10 rooms, each having its own bathroom with shower, Wi-Fi and satellite TV. Furthermore these are spacious and quiet. The location is well-finished and beautifully decorated. Breakfast is rich.

B&B Borgo Gallinaio

Borgo Gallinaio is a medieval hamlet dating back to fifteenth Century, now converted into a charming hotel surrounded by the Tuscan countryside and located at short distance from Monteriggioni Castle. Rooms are spacious and furnished in a rustic style with wooden beams and terracotta floors and have private bathroom and free Wifi. Location is quiet and the staff is friendly and helpful. Quality breakfast is served in the courtyard.

Hotel Chiusarelli - Siena

The three-star Hotel Chiusarelli is located in the city centre of Siena, finds its natural setting in a neoclassical villa built around 1870. The structure  has been completely renovated in 2013. Rooms are spacious and clean and these offer  bathroom with shower or bathtub, hairdryer, air conditioning/heater, telephone, Wi-Fi, TV with Sky Vision. The Hotel has no lift. High quality breakfast.

Hotel Borgo Antico - Lucignano

The Hotel is surrounded by a relaxed and pleasant environment. Rooms are small, but clean. These are furnished in every detail while maintaining the typical Tuscan style with beams and wood trim. In some rooms you can admire the beautiful Tuscan landscape. Free Wifi, air conditioning, TV.

Hotel Ghibellino - Buonconvento

Hotel Il Ghibellino*** is located in a strategic position near Crete Senesi and Val D'Orcia Park. Rooms are spacious with free Wifi, TV, air conditioned, telephone. Breakfast is basic.

B&B Il Vecchietta - Castiglion d'Orcia

Il Vecchietta is a restored stone house, set in the historic centre of Castiglione d'Orcia that offers a garden with BBQ facilities and features rustic-style rooms with exposed wood-beamed ceilings. Featuring mountain views, rooms are a little bit old-fashioned but they are comfortable and clean. The owner is helpful and friendly.

Agriturismo La Selvella - Radicofani

Set between 2 rolling hills in the heart of the Val D’Orcia Valley, Agriturismo Selvella is a renovated Tuscan country house Radicofani 3 km away offering typical rustic rooms and a summer pool. The location is quiet and totally surrounded by nature. Rooms are comfortable and cozy with free Wifi, air conditioned and some of these have a view overlooking tuscany countryside or Radicofani. Owners are hospitable and helpful. Quality breakfast and cuisine.

Albergo Toscana - Acquapendente

Hotel Toscana is situated in the center of Acquapendente, a few steps away from main sites. Rooms aren't so much large, but well-furnished in a simple way. Cuisine is good and appreciated.

Agriturismo Le Vigne - Bolsena

This agritourism is just 250 metres from the centre of Bolsena and it has a nice view of the Bolsena Lake. Rooms are spacious and well appointed. These offer flat tv, free WiFi, air conditioning, heating, independent bath and shower and some with private entrances. Breakfast is rich and various of sweet and savoury food.

Hotel Relais Saint Gilles - Verrés

The Hotel Relais St. Gilles is located in Verrès, in the tranquility of the low-lying valley. Rooms are well-furnished, spacious and clean and are equipped of these comfort: air conditioning, private bathroom, satellite TV and free Wifi.

Hotel Urbano V - Montefiascone

Hotel Urbano V is situated  in a very tranquil position, in perfect balance with the architecture of the historical centre. Rooms are well-finished, clean and comfortable. These offer TV satellite, safe, air conditioning, free WiFi. Breakfast is rich and good.

Hotel Riario - Viterbo

Hotel Riario is located in the center of Medieval Viterbo, in a builiding of the 16th century. Rooms are furnish in elegant way, comfortable and well-finished. These offer TV, free Wi-Fi, air conditioning. Breakfast is good and rich.

Albergo Da Benedetta - Vetralla

This hotel is a family business in the small town of Vetralla, 12 km south of Viterbo. Rooms are basic and simple with private bathroom, TV, free Wifi, air conditioning, but not well soundproofed. Staff is not very much present and breakfast is normal.

B&B La Stalla delle Zie - Sutri

This B&B is located in Sutri a few steps away from amphitheatre and necropolis. Rooms are confortable, welcoming and clean. These are equipped with TV, free Wifi and electrical kettle. On site you can use a common kitchen area. Owners are friendly and helpful. Breakfast is rich  and various of sweet and savory dishes. 

Hotel Benigni - Campagnano

Hotel Ristorante Benigni is located in central Campagnano Di Roma surrounded by Veio's Park and by volcanic complex of Monti Sabatini. Rooms are simple and basic with private bathroom, air conditioning, TV, telephone and free Wifi. Restaurant is very esteemed. Average breakfast.

Hotel Tempio di Apollo - Isola Farnese

This Hotel is sets in the medieval village of Isola Farnese and it has a quiet and relaxing location. Rooms are furnish in a simple way, but these are spacious and comfortable with free Wifi, air conditioning. Staff is welcoming and helpful. Breakfast is normal.

Domus Sessoriana - Roma

The rooms of Domus Sessoriana are obtained from the cells of the monastery attached to the Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem. These are spacious, basic and clean. They have these comfort: air conditioning, satellite TV and free WiFi in common areas. Staff is courteous and helpful. Italian breakfast is served on the terrace. 

Hotel Crabun - Pont Saint Martin

Hotel Crabun*** is situated along the ancient pilgrimage route of Via Francigena in Pont Saint Martin. Decorated with warm colours and wood furniture, rooms at Hotel Crabun are classically furnished, and come with either carpeted or wood floors. They all have a balcony and satellite TV channels.

B&B Il Tuchino - Ivrea

“Il Tuchino” Bed and Breakfast is located in the “Borghetto,” the medieval heart of the ancient town of Ivrea and it was recently renovated under the guidance of the architect Annibale Fiocchi, who worked with the well-known architect Olivetti from 1947 to 1964. Rooms are elegant, spacious, comfortable and equipped of air conditioning and free Wifi.

Hotel Royal - Viverone

Hotel Royal is right on the shores of Viverone Lake and offers 40 rooms, some of these with view on lake and balcony. Rooms are old-fashoned and basic with bathroom, TV, air conditioning/heating and fridge. All the common areas have free Wifi coverage.

Hotel Vittoria - Santhià

Hotel Vittoria*** was born in the 30's establishing itself as a historical structure of the city of Vercelli, important crossroads between the provinces of Vercelli, Biella and Ivrea territory. The structure has been restored in 60's and offers rooms furnished in a basic way with bathroom, free Wifi, air conditioning and TV.

Hotel Cinzia - Vercelli

Hotel Cinzia*** was born in 1967 in a rural area and it's located at 15-minute walk to Vercelli city centre. The structure has 25 air-conditioned rooms and characterized by parquet or carpeted flooring. Furthermore some of these have balcony.

B&B L'Antica Sosta - San Quirico d'Orcia

A charming B&B just outside the town centre, in a historical building with classic decor. The hosts will welcome you warmly and will spoil you with rich breakfasts, also including home-made cakes.

When to travel

The climate in Notrh Italy is generally very mild with differences depending on the geography of the region, from coasts and valleys to the continental areas. The warmest months are generally July and August, with temperatures ranging from 23°C up to 30°C; the valleys can often seehigher temperatures and  38°C  to  40° C is not uncommon.While June and September offer both nice warm weather. Of course, there are always exceptions or dry spells that cause a few days to get really hot.Spring (April and May) and Autumn (October and November) are dry, with sunny days but the chances of rain are high. The weather can change very quickly and you must be prepared forrain, mist, wind, fog (and even hail or snow at higher elevations) – especially in spring and autumn. 

What to bring

Clothing and other items
You will need your regular walking/cycling gear, including some sort of reflective garment. For the evenings, smart outdoor style trousers (or shorts) are invaluable, as are quick-dry t-shirts. These can be washed easily and will dry overnight and still look good for sightseeing or having a drink in town.

Take as little as possible to avoid potentially lugging a heavy suitcase up three flights of stairs at the end of the day. Please be aware that laundromats (“Laverie”) are not common in rural areas, so plan to do handwashing of small items.

Lightweight walking shoes/ trainers
For wearing around towns & villages. They can also be a back-up pair.

Socks & underwear
Take only good quality socks with quick-dry and insulating qualities. Road test them before you go on the trip. Take a suitable quantity of underwear as washing facilities are limited.

Warm jacket, hat, gloves
Bring a fleece, Polartec or warm layers for the evenings especially in spring or autumn; be sure it is totally suitable for your needs.
A fleece jacket which blocks the wind (Wind-stopper) is the most preferable. In the summer months a lightweight jacket is suitable for evenings.
If you are cycling/walking in mountainous or coastal areas, even in the height of summer, the weather can change very quickly and unexpectedly and you should be prepared for fog, mist, rain, snow or hail at any time. Always take an extra layer with you, as well as a warm hat and gloves.

Waterproof jacket & trousers
If you are caught in heavy rain, with good waterproof clothing you should remain dry. Remember that most garments will lose their properties over time. Few will remain waterproof for more than five years and many deteriorate in three years or less. We recommend a rain jacket with a good hood and collar and waterproof or thermal walking/cycling trousers or tights.

Dress code
In general, you should wear suitable clothing when entering a church (in many places, it is considered unacceptable to go inside wearing shorts or a tank-top). We suggest that women carry a shawl to cover up bear shoulders or low-cut tops. It also comes in handy when your shoulders get sunburned!

It is considered inappropriate for men to go without a shirt / T-shirt (other than at the beach).

Trekking poles (adjustable)
Highly recommended. A pair works best, depending on what you are comfortable with. If you suffer from back or knee pain this should be considered essential. Remember to practise walking with your pole(s) on different types of terrain in the months preceding your trip.

Walking boots
The importance of good footwear cannot be stressed enough. Your boots should be sturdy and of good enough quality to handle all types of terrain. Lightweight boots, (cordura/leather boots) which have Gore-Tex or sympatex water-proofing are most suitable for this trip. They should provide good ankle protection and be well broken in. Waxing leather boots regularly prolongs their life.

Walking tops & trousers
We recommend walking trousers and shorts and quick-dry wicking t-shirts. These can be washed easily and will dry overnight and still look good for sightseeing or having a drink in town. Wicking T-shirts are fast drying, keep moisture away from your skin and are available at outdoor stores. You should also bring one pair of loose-fitting trousers to wear in cities and for evenings out, etc. Shorts or zip-off trousers are useful in warmer weather.

Practical info

How to arrive

From any airport, get to the closest railway station and catch a train to Aosta. You can then reach Great St. Bernard Pass by bus or with a private transfer.

On departure you can take a train from Rome.

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Mobile App

Use the SloWays APP for iOS and Android smart phones in combination with the written documentation provided.

The App has the detailed tracks and maps that you can use offline and without roaming. Thanks to the phone’s internal GPS, you can check your exact position on the map, so you always know exactly where you are. It also helps you self-navigate you way while travelling. More information on how to use the App inside the roadbook documents.

The navigation features include:

  • Offline navigation. Mobile data not required after initial download
  • Accurate GPS tracks
  • Autorotation of the maps
  • Daily route summary and elevation chart
  • Panorama of the track and at street level
  • Alarm and vibration that alerts you in case you go off track.
  • Emergency SMS button with position coordinates
  • Possibility to record and take georeferenced photos of problems on route alerting fellow travelers
  • Hotel information
  • Points of interest along the way
  • Historical background

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